Atoms, Motion and the Void

"In which Sherwin finds himself on an entirely new landscape."
Category:Art -- posted at: 7:22pm EDT

In which Sherwin accompanies Mr. Grave on a journey north. ;
Category:Art -- posted at: 9:27am EDT

In which Sherwin learns of Mr. Grave's apocalyptic visions and is recollected to an old acquaintance who still occupies a place in his heart.
Category:Art -- posted at: 10:04am EDT

In which Sherwin has a deeply disturbing run-in with Mr. Grave and finds out the real purpose of the Bildeberg Silka.
Category:Art -- posted at: 9:51am EDT

In which Sherwin loses one body and gains another. ;
Category:Art -- posted at: 7:14pm EDT

In which Sherwin convalesces in his old apartment in the so-called Morphine Ghost-like state and has experiences both in, and out, of body.
Category:Art -- posted at: 1:11pm EDT

In which Sherwin learns the secret identities of Artur and Tristam Barrel-Bain, and gathers that he has, all along, been undergoing the transformative process known as the 'Bodhi Seti Satva' which offers, in its end-stage, an intimate glimpse into the great unknown.

Direct download: amv18.mp3
Category:Art -- posted at: 9:58am EDT

In which Sherwin's sense of self takes a turn for the inverse.

Direct download: AMV17.mp3
Category:Art -- posted at: 1:54pm EDT

In which Sherwin observes his impersonator walking home from the theater and realizes a difference between how things seem and how they are.

Direct download: Sleeves-AMV16TheAlliedContraptionOfSherwinSleeves348.mp3
Category:Art -- posted at: 8:50am EDT